Wadgy Abd El Hamied Mohamed Ghoneim (born c. 1952) is an Egyptian Islamic preacher and writer. He was imam at the Islamic Institute of Orange County, California, in the United States, until 2005.[1] He was a fundraiser for the Toledo, Ohio based Hamas charity KindHearts.
In January 2005 Ghoneim left the US for Qatar, following his arrest for violating his immigration status. Bail was refused over concerns that his previous speeches and fund raising might have supported terrorist organisations such as Hamas. He was given a ten year ban on re-entry to the country.[1]
In May 2009, he was placed on the British Home Office's list of "Individuals banned from the UK for stirring-up hatred"[2] for being "Considered to be engaging in unacceptable behaviour by seeking to foment, justify or glory terrorist violence in furtherance of particular beliefs and to provoke others to commit terrorist acts."
Other countries that have refused admission to Ghoneim include Canada and Switzerland.